IHA is proud to announce 7 funding awards received from community partners:
In February 2023, IHA was awarded a $25,000 grant by the Kahlert Foundation. This grant supports the continued rehabilitation of IHA’s Weinberg House. This 23-unit affordable rental community in Frederick, MD was originally built in 1994 and houses senior members of our community ages 62 and older with low to moderate income. The rehabilitation project includes upgrades to heating, appliances, plumbing, drywall, flooring, lighting, cabinets, and countertops.
In April 2023, IHA was awarded a $10,000 Community Partnership Grant from Frederick County Government. This grant supports IHA’s three Financial Dignity and Empowerment Workshops: Credit Café; Your Prescription for Financial Health; and Ready, Set, Go… Home! In Credit Café, participants work specifically on improving their credit. Your Prescription for Financial Health helps participants learn about budgeting, saving, asset-building, and healthy spending. Ready, Set, Go… Home! helps participants understand the homebuying process from start to finish.
Between April and July 2023, IHA received three funding awards in support of its Credit Café program. IHA’s partnership agreement with United Way of Frederick County and The Prosperity Center was renewed twice, providing $15,000 in support of continued program operations. IHA also received a $3,000 Service Partnership Grant awarded by the Rotary Club of Frederick. Credit Café promotes financial stability among LMI households through group credit education and free, individualized credit advising. Participants partner with a certified financial coach to create a strategic plan to build, boost, or improve their credit.
In June 2023, IHA was awarded a $7,360 grant from the City of Frederick through their Community Promotions Grant program. This grant supports aging in place and youth development needs among City residents through IHA’s Supportive Services. The program serves residents of IHA’s senior and multi-family affordable rental communities at 222 Broadway Street (Weinberg House) and 520 N. Market Street, respectively. It also serves residents of Conifer’s multi-family affordable rental community at 16 Steiner Way (Sinclair Way).
IHA was also awarded in June a $43,000 grant from Enterprise Community Partners. This Section 4 capacity building grant supports succession planning for a critical position at IHA, the Director of Construction. With the current Director of Construction retiring at the end of this year, this funding award will be instrumental in supporting his replacement. It gives IHA the opportunity to plan for a smooth transition and adequate training for the new employee, ensuring our programs and community initiatives continue with high quality, uninterrupted service delivery.
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