IHA is proud to announce 10 funding awards received this quarter from community partners:
In August 2023, IHA was awarded a $137,938 EmPOWER grant through Maryland State Government’s Multifamily Energy Efficiency and Housing Affordability (MEEHA) Program. IHA was also awarded a $89,812 energy grant through the Frederick County Power Saver Retrofits (PSR) Program. Both of these grants support IHA’s ongoing rehabilitation of Weinberg House, which is a 23-unit affordable rental community in downtown Frederick for low- to moderate-income (LMI) residents aged 62 and older.
In September 2023, IHA was also awarded a $532,500 grant by the United States Department of Agriculture – Rural Development (USDA-RD). This two-year grant provides technical and supervisory assistance that aids low- and very low-income families in carrying out mutual self-help housing efforts. The grant supports IHA’s Purchase-Repair Homeownership Program, which provides affordable homeownership opportunities to families and individuals in Frederick, Carroll, and Washington Counties in Maryland, as well as one-on-one housing counseling and financial coaching throughout their journey to homeownership.
IHA was also awarded a $125,000 grant by Morgan Stanley. This grant supports IHA in its ongoing quest to create and provide affordable housing opportunities for LMI community members. It also allows IHA to continue supporting community members through our Financial Dignity and Empowerment Services, which offer individualized and group programming, including IHA’s workshops, Purchase-Repair Homeownership program, and supportive services for residents of our affordable rental communities.
The City of Frederick finalized a $7,849 grant for IHA, which was awarded through their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services program. This award will provide funding for Supportive Services programming for senior residents of IHA’s Weinberg House and 520 N Market Street affordable communities in downtown Frederick.
In October 2023, IHA received a $1,505.69 designated grant from The PNC Homeownership Fund of The Community Foundation of Frederick County. These pass-through funds will directly support LMI households in achieving homeownership in Frederick County.
IHA also received a $400 donor-advised grant from The H. Deets and Juanita Warfield Donor-Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Frederick County. These unrestricted funds will support all of IHA’s endeavors in strengthening the communities we serve.
In November 2023, IHA was awarded a grant by the Ausherman Family Foundation. This 2:1 matching grant will match up to $30,000 in donations raised from community members and IHA’s Board of Directors during our 2023 annual appeal.
IHA was also awarded a $20,000 grant from Delaplaine Foundation, Inc. This grant supports IHA’s full range of Financial Dignity & Empowerment Services, which are designed to improve financial and housing stability for LMI households. These programs serve seniors, working families, and individuals through: educational workshops; one on-one financial coaching and housing counseling; and connection to affordable housing opportunities and community resources.
Lastly, IHA’s $5,000 application to participate in United Way of Frederick County’s Annual Unity Campaign was approved. This approval will enable IHA to participate in the Spring 2024 Unity Campaign alongside other local nonprofit organizations to collectively raise funds in the Frederick County community.
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