From the moment you become qualified by a lender for a mortgage, your real estate agent takes you by the hand and guides you through the entire process of finding and purchasing the perfect home for you and your family.
Here is what you can expect from your agent:
• Become completely familiar with your needs, wants and budget
• Send listings to you that fit your needs
• Set up showings for homes that you are interested in looking at
• When you are ready to make an offer, your agent should help you to determine what the offer should be based on your budget and knowledge of the current market
• Write up contract offer that fully protects you if you need to cancel based on inspections
• Schedule and coordinate all required inspections
• Help you choose a settlement company
• Schedule and attend final walk-thru before settlement
• Attend settlement to make sure all paperwork matches contract agreement
Oftentimes, this relationship can span over the course of an entire year and can involve a lot of stress and heartbreak. A great agent, like a great friend, will understand what an emotional roller coaster ride buying a home can be, especially if it is your first time.
Choosing the right agent is essential so here are some tips from industry experts: (Excerpted from
Choose The Person, Not The Experience
“I am a firm believer in choosing an agent who works for you and with you. Don't choose an agent based solely on experience. Although it’s good to have, it's not everything. You will be spending a lot of time with that agent and you need to mesh. Choose someone relatable and real. Choose for you, not for the house. Choose someone good at talking and negotiating.”
Remember Chemistry Is Key
“It's best to interview at least three agents before picking the one you work with. Focus on neighborhood expertise; look for hyperlocal. Ask yourself, "Is their marketing about them or their properties?" Also, can you trust them, are they honest? Chemistry is the key.”
Find Someone Who Has Your Best Interests At Heart
“Ask yourself, "Does my real estate agent have my best interests at heart?" Be honest and transparent about what you’re looking for, and if an agent isn’t bringing you the right options, it’s likely they aren’t looking for houses for you but rather to benefit themselves. Ask questions upfront and don’t be afraid to move on to someone else if the relationship doesn’t feel right.”
Go With Your Gut Feeling
“Your brain uses logic and emotion when making a decision, and that specific feeling you get when doing so is your intuition — your gut feeling. If you're interviewing a real estate agent for the job, first look to see that they do a lot of business and have a lot of raving fans. Second, go with your gut feeling. If it feels right, he's the guy or gal for the job.”
Find An Agent You Can Trust
“As the client, you begin the dialogue — but pay close attention to the agent or broker and how he/she listens and asks YOU questions. Most successful agents have access to the technology it takes to find options for purchase, but it takes a human being to understand and work to achieve your specific goals. Take time to find a human you respect and trust.”
Find A Compassionate Agent Who Understands You
“Let’s face it — buying a house is a stressful task, especially if you are facing a divorce, having a baby, mourning the death of a spouse, etc. You need an agent who is patient with you and your circumstances. Interview an agent or broker and see if they have the same emotions, outlook on life, personality, as you do.”
Seek Clear Lines Of Communication
“First and foremost, you need to feel completely comfortable talking and communicating with the real estate agent. If it feels awkward or if there is undue pressure placed on you by a real estate agent, this is not the right fit.”
Seek Referrals From Other Homeowners
“Despite the technology that seems to take over much of the searching for a home, the right real estate agent is still a human-to-human choice. Referral is best. There's no bigger compliment to an agent than a referral from a past client. Ask homeowners who they would recommend. If you know the area you want to purchase in or sell your home in, there will be an expert in that area.”
This last recommendation is my favorite! IHA’s Purchase Repair Homeownership Program has been around since 2012, and two agents have really stepped up and embraced the program and the low-income clients that qualify.